
Vi bliver ofte spurgt hvad det har gjort at GAPS er blevet en succes, hvad er helende arkitektur? Om det er dagslys, disponering, transparens, haver eller noget andet. Det er svært at svare entydigt på – også fordi det er svært at undersøge i et psykiatrisk hospital i fuld aktivitet.

Vi er derfor super glade for at Thorben Peter Simonsen har taget udfordringen op og på en struktureret måde har undersøgt det nye psykiatrisygehus i Slagelse. På fredag den 7. februar forsvarer Thorben Peter Simonsen sin ph.d. ‘The spatial organization of psychiatric practice: A situated inquiry into ‘healing architecture’’ på Copenhagen Business School, som handler om rumlig organisering af nutidige psykiatrisk praksis, om helende arkitektur i psykiatrien.

Det bliver spændende og vi glæder os til at høre om det hele!



We are often asked what is the reason behind the success of The Psychiatric Hospital in Slagelse, what is healing architecture. Is it the use of daylight, the layout, the transparency, the courtyards or something else. It is hard to give a unanimous answer - also because it is difficult to research in a psychiatric hospital that is in full use.

Therefore we are very happy that Thorben Peter Simonsen has taken the challenge and has based his research on the New Psychiatric Hospital in Slagelse. On Friday, February 7 he’ll defend his PhD ‘The spatial organization of psychiatric practice: A situated inquiry into ‘healing architecture’’ at Copenhagen Business School, which is about spatial organization of contemporary psychiatric practice and about healing architecture in psychiatry.

We are very excited to hear about it all!